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Bible and Ministry

Associate Degree in Bible and Ministry

Associate Degree Program Information

LABI offers an associate degree programs that are designed to introduce students to a foundational level of Christianity and ministry. The coursework includes general education requirements for the degree which reflects the conviction that students of the ministry must expand their knowledge across various disciplines. This includes courses in English, Math, History, Psychology, and Speech. The degree requirements also include the completion of a student portfolio that includes essays and coursework that aim to demonstrate the completion of the program objectives.


Associate in Bible and Ministry: Program Description and Learning Outcomes (PLO’s)

The associate degree in Bible and Ministry at LABI College will provide students with the essential biblical, theological, and ministerial knowledge that will prepare one for ministerial service. This program is designed for students who want to attain a foundational degree and knowledge in Bible, ministry, and Christian theology from a Pentecostal perspective. Students entering into this program have a clear focus to be future scholars, teachers, and communicators of the gospel. There are five core learning outcomes for graduates of our program. Graduates from our program will be able to demonstrate:


Christian and Pentecostal Theological Knowledge

The graduate from our program will be able to demonstrate competency in fundamental theological concepts. Students will be able to identify and articulate the core theological views of the Christian church and Pentecostalism.


Applied Ministerial Practice

The graduate from our program will be able to demonstrate a wide range of knowledge and experiences related to applied ministerial practice. This includes skills such as preaching, administration, teaching, counseling, leadership, and supervised practicums. Graduates will value diverse cultural contexts and gain knowledge in how to minister effectively within Christian settings.


Critical Analysis of the Bible

The graduate from our program will be able to assess and evaluate biblical texts which include the historical and literary composition of the text. They will also be able to communicate, discuss, and present interpretations of the biblical text.


Information and Writing Literacy

The graduate from our program will be able to demonstrate information and writing literacy skills; write effectively and within a research format, generate theories, and be able to effectively articulate their reasoning in written format.


Communication Effectiveness

The graduate from our program will be able to integrate awareness and knowledge of various Biblical concepts, theological perspectives, and ministerial principles through an effective verbal communication approach. Appropriate communication will include but is not limited to course presentations, paper presentations, teaching, video development, preaching, and success through the communication components of the portfolio project.

Grado Asociado en Biblia y Ministerio


Información del programa de grado asociado

LABI ofrece programas de grado asociado que está diseñado para introducir a los estudiantes a un nivel fundamental de cristianismo y ministerio. El trabajo del curso incluye requisitos de educación general para el título, lo que refleja la convicción de que los estudiantes del ministerio deben ampliar sus conocimientos en varias disciplinas. Esto incluye cursos de inglés, matemáticas, historia, psicología y habla. Los requisitos de grado también involucra la finalización de un portafolio donde el estudiante debe desarrollar ensayos y cursos que tienen como objetivo demostrar el cumplimiento de los objetivos del programa.


Asociado en Biblia y Ministerio: Descripción del Programa y Resultados del Aprendizaje (PLO's)

El título de asociado en Biblia y Ministerio en LABI College proporcionará a los estudiantes el conocimiento bíblico, teológico y ministerial esencial que los preparará para el servicio ministerial. Este programa está diseñado para estudiantes que desean obtener un título y conocimientos básicos en Biblia, ministerio y teología cristiana desde una perspectiva pentecostal. Los estudiantes que ingresan a este programa tienen un enfoque claro para ser futuros eruditos, maestros y comunicadores del evangelio. Hay cinco resultados de aprendizaje básicos para los graduados de nuestro programa. Los graduados de nuestro programa podrán demostrar:


Conocimiento teológico cristiano y pentecostal

El graduado de nuestro programa podrá demostrar competencia en conceptos teológicos fundamentales. Los estudiantes podrán identificar y articular los puntos de vista teológicos centrales de la iglesia cristiana y el Pentecostalismo.


Práctica Ministerial Aplicada

El egresado de nuestro programa podrá demostrar una amplia gama de conocimientos y experiencias relacionadas con la práctica ministerial aplicada. Esto incluye habilidades tales como predicación, administración, enseñanza, consejería, liderazgo y prácticas supervisadas. Los graduados valorarán diversos contextos culturales y obtendrán conocimientos sobre cómo ministrar de manera efectiva dentro de entornos cristianos.


Análisis crítico de la Biblia

El egresado de nuestro programa será capaz de valorar y evaluar textos bíblicos que incluyan la composición histórica y literaria del texto. También podrán comunicarse, discutir y presentar interpretaciones del texto bíblico.


Alfabetización informativa y escrita

El egresado de nuestro programa podrá demostrar habilidades de alfabetización en información y escritura; escribir de manera efectiva y dentro de un formato de investigación, generar teorías y ser capaz de articular efectivamente su razonamiento en formato escrito.



Eficacia de la comunicación

El graduado de nuestro programa podrá integrar la conciencia y el conocimiento de varios conceptos bíblicos, perspectivas teológicas y principios ministeriales a través de un enfoque de comunicación verbal eficaz. La comunicación adecuada incluirá, entre otras, presentaciones de cursos, presentaciones de trabajos, enseñanza, desarrollo de videos, sermones y éxito a través de los componentes de comunicación del proyecto de carpeta.




Grado Asociado en Currículo Básico de Biblia y Ministerio 

División de Educación General (15 unidades requeridas)


  • SPE106 Hablar en Público (3)

  • ENG126 Escritura persuasiva (3)

  • PSY112 Matrimonio y Familia (3) 

  • MAT163 Matemáticas y Gestión Personal y Financiera (3)

  • HIS165 Historia de EE. UU. (3) 

  • HIS180 Latinos en Historia de EE. UU. (3)

  • ANT250 Antropología y Migración (3) 


División del Ministerio (Requerido 12 unidades)


  • MIN126 Historia y Gobierno de las Asambleas de Dios (3)

  • MIN122 Introducción a las Misiones (3)

  • MIN156 Liderazgo Efectivo (3)

  • MIN161 Hacer discípulos (3)

  • MIN115 Disciplinas espirituales (3) 

  • MIN199 Evangelismo en un contexto Post-cristiano (3)


División de Teología (Requerido 12 unidades)


  • THE103 Introducción a la Teología Sistemática (3)

  • THE124 Teología Pentecostal (3)

  • THE256 Ética teológica (3)

  • THE242 Escatología (3)


División de Biblia (Requerido 15 unidades)


  • BIB110 Literatura del Antiguo Testamento (3)

  • BIB120 Literatura del Nuevo Testamento (3)

  • BIB220 Exégesis Bíblica (3)


Otros dos cursos BIB de nuestro catálogo como:

  • BIB223 Jesús y los Evangelios (3)

  • BIB295 Romanos (3)

  • BIB233 Actos (3)

  • BIB213 Epístolas Generales (3)

  • BIB300 Evangelio de Juan (3)


Electivas (Requerido 6 unidades)


*Otros cursos de Biblia, Ministerio, Teología y Educación General no enumerados anteriormente pueden satisfacer los requisitos para esas respectivas divisiones. Comuníquese con la oficina de Asesoramiento Académico para obtener orientación sobre qué cursos cumplen con los requisitos del programa y la división.


Associate Degree in Bible and Ministry Core Curriculum 

Division of General Education (Required 15 units)


  • SPE106 Public Speaking (3)

  • ENG126 Persuasive Writing (3)

  • PSY112 Marriage and Family (3) 

  • MAT163 Math and Personal and Financial Management (3)

  • HIS165 US History (3) or HIS180 Latinos in US History (3) 


Division of Ministry (Required 12 units)


  • MIN126 AG His/Miss & Gov (1)

  • MIN122 Introduction to Missions (2)

  • MIN156 Effective Leadership (2)

  • MIN161 Disciple Making (2)

  • MIN182 Practicum I (.5)

  • MIN183 Practicum II (.5)

  • MIN184 Practicum III (.5)

  • MIN185 Practicum IV (.5)

  • MIN115 Spiritual Disciplines (3) or MIN199 Evangelism in a Post-Christian Context (3)


Division of Theology (Required 12 units)


  • THE103 Introduction to Systematic Theology (3)

  • THE124 Pentecostal Theology (3)

  • THE256 Theological Ethics (3)

  • THE242 Eschatology (3)


Division of Bible (Required 15 units)


  • BIB110 Old Testament Literature (3)

  • BIB120 New Testament Literature (3)

  • BIB220 Biblical Exegesis (3)

Any other two BIB courses in our catalog such as:

  • BIB223 Jesus and the Gospels (3)

  • BIB295 Romans (3)

  • BIB233 Acts (3)

  • BIB213 General Epistles (3)

  • BIB300 Gospel of John (3)


Electives (Required 6 units)


* Other Bible, Ministry, Theology, and General Education courses not listed above may satisfy requirements for those respective divisions. Please contact the Academic Advising office for guidance on what courses meet program and division requirements.

Bachelor Degree in Theology

Bachelor's Degree Program Information

LABI offers a bachelor degree that is designed to introduce students to urban theology with an emphasis that focuses on biblical, theological, and ministerial knowledge. The coursework includes general education requirement for the degree which reflects the conviction that students of the ministry must expand their knowledge across various disciplines. The degree requirements also include the completion of a guided thesis that aim to demonstrate the completion of the program objectives.


The Bachelor degree in Theology Program Learning Outcomes

The Bachelor degree in Theology with an urban emphasis will provide students with the essential biblical, theological, and urban ministerial skills necessary for various types of service in the multicultural context. Additionally, coursework and a guided thesis will provide students with the skills for higher education. There are five core learning outcomes for graduates of our program.


Applied Urban Ministerial Practice

The graduate from our program will be able to demonstrate a wide range of knowledge and experiences related to applied urban ministerial practice. This includes skills such as understanding and ministering to the contemporary problems and realities of race, justice, culture, environment, and poverty issues that impact the contextual setting of urban ministry. Graduates will value an urban context and gain knowledge in how to minister within this setting.


Contextual Theological Knowledge

The graduate from our program will be able to demonstrate competency in contextual theological concepts. Students will be able to identify and articulate theology from a Pentecostal and urban context.


Critical Analysis of the Bible

The graduate from our program will be able to assess and evaluate biblical texts; assess and evaluate the historical and literary composition of the text. They will also be able to communicate, discuss, and present contextual interpretations of the biblical text.


Information and Writing Literacy

The graduate from our program will be able to demonstrate information and writing literacy skills, write effectively and within a research format, generate theories, and in written format able to effectively articulate their reasoning.


Communication Effectiveness

The graduate from our program will be able to integrate awareness and knowledge of various biblical concepts, theological perspectives, and contextual issues through an effective verbal communication approach. Appropriate communication will include but is not limited to, course presentations, paper presentations, teaching, video development, preaching, and success through the communication components of the portfolio project.







Bachelor in Theology Core Curriculum


Emphasis: Urban Theology


Division of General Education (Required: 30 units)



  • SPE106 Public Speaking (3)

  • ENG126 Persuasive Writing (3) 

  • ENG220 Research Writing (3)

  • PSY112 Marriage and Family (3) 

  • PSY101 Introduction to Psychology (3) 

  • MAT163 Math and Personal & Financial Management (3) or Data Analysis or Statistics

  • HIS165 US History (3) or HIS180 Latinos in US History (3) 

  • HIS204 World Civilization (3)

  • SOC240 Introduction to Sociology (3


Division of Urban Ministry (Required: 30 units)


  • MIN122 Introduction to Missions (2)

  • MIN126 AG His/Miss & Gov (1)    

  • MIN155 Spiritual Disciples (3)

  • MIN156 Effective Leadership (2)

  • MIN161 Disciple Making (2)

  • MIN182 Practicum I (.5)

  • MIN183 Practicum II (.5)

  • MIN184 Practicum III (.5)

  • MIN185 Practicum IV (.5)

  • MIN199 Gospel/Post-Christian (3)

  • MIN330 Introduction to Urban Ministry (3)

  • MIN350 Expository Preaching (3) 

  • MIN400 Cross Cultural Ministry (3)

  • MIN430 Race, Poverty, and the Environment (3)

  • MIN450 Ministry and Social Justice (3)


Division of Theology (Required: 24 units)


  • THE103 Introduction to Systematic Theology (3)

  • THE182 Comparative Religions (3)

  • THE124 Pentecostal Theology (3)

  • THE256 Theological Ethics (3)

  • THE242 Eschatology (3)

  • THE300 Introduction to Public Theology (3)

  • THE352 Pneumatology (3)

  • THE400 Contextual Theology (3)


Division of Bible (Required: 24 units)


  • BIB110 Old Testament Literature (3)

  • BIB120 New Testament Literature (3)

  • BIB220 Biblical Exegesis (3)

  • BIB350 Kingdom of God in the Testaments (3)

  • BIB460 Social World of the New Testament (3) 

Any other two BIB courses in our catalog such as:

  • BIB223 Jesus and the Gospels (3)

  • BIB295 Romans (3)

  • BIB233 Acts (3)

  • BIB213 General Epistles (3)

  • BIB300 Gospel of John (3)


Electives (Required: 6 units)


* Other Bible, Ministry, Theology, and General Education courses not listed above may satisfy requirements for those respective divisions. Please contact the Academic Advising office for guidance on what courses meet program and division requirements.



Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Degree Program Information


Students graduating with a B.A. in Psychology from LABI College will have a foundational knowledge, research, cognitive, and Christian perspective in psychology. Students graduating with a B.A. in Psychology from LABI will demonstrate competencies with the core concepts, theories, research and history as it relates to psychology from a Christian perspective.


Bachelor or Arts Degree in Psychology Program Learning Outcomes

  • Understand and appreciate psychology as a scientific discipline.

  • Reflect critical thinking, writing, and knowledge in general areas of psychology.

  • Understand core perspectives of behavioral, biological, human development, cognitive, humanistic, counseling and Christian perspectives of psychology.

  • Explain various research and statistical methods used by clinical and research psychologists.

  • Explain theories of human development across the lifespan from infancy to geriatrics.

  • Understand abnormal behavior, diagnostic categories, and psychopharmacology.


Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Core Curriculum


General Education Core Requirements                                            30 Credits

  •   SPE106 Public Speaking (3)

  •   ENG126 Persuasive Writing (3)

  •   ENG220 Research Writing (3)

  •   HIS165 US History (3)

  •   HIS180 Latinos in US History (3)

  •   HIS204 World Civilization (3)

  •   PSY112 Marriage and Family (3)

  •   PSY101 Introduction to Psychology (3)

  •   SOC240 Introduction to Sociology (3)

  •   MAT163 Math and Personal & Financial Management (3)


Bible/Theology/Ministry Core Requirement*                                     30 Credits

  •   BIB110 Old Testament Literature (3)

  •   BIB120 New Testament Literature (3)

  •   THE103 Introduction to Systematic Theology (3)

  •   THE256 Theological Ethics (3)

  •   THE124 Pentecostal Theology (3)

  •   MIN155 Spiritual Disciples (3)

  •   MIN156 Effective Leadership (3)

  •   MIN199 Christian Worldview (3)

  •   Any other qualified BIB, THE, or MIN course

  •   Any other qualified BIB, THE, or MIN course


Major Core Requirements                                                                   48 Credits

  •   PSY110 General Psychology (3)

  •   PSY 210 Child Growth and Development (3)

  •   PSY 221 Personality Theory (3)

  •   PSY 250 History and Systems of Psychology (3)

  •   PSY 311 Adolescent Psychology (3)

  •   PSY 323 Integration of Psychology and Theology (3)

  •   PSY 333 Statistics (3)

  •   PSY 343 Research Methods (3)

  •   PSY 410 Abnormal Psychology (3)

  •   PSY 411 Principles of Counseling (3)

  •   PSY 420 Social Psychology (3)

  •   PSY 421 Biological Psychology (3)

  •   PSY430 Pastoral Psychology (3)

  •   PSY 440 Psychology of Leadership

  •   PSY 494 Senior Thesis Project (3)

  •   PSY 497 Field Experience in Psychology (3)


Electives                                                                                                12 Credits


                                                                                                            120 Total Credits

* Other Bible, Ministry, Theology, and General Education courses not listed above may satisfy requirements for the core bible/theology/ministry group. Please contact the Academic Advising office for guidance on what courses meet program and division requirements.



Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Degree Paradigm

Below is a suggested paradigm that will enable students to successfully complete the program within four years. The paradigms below are meant to serve the student as a guide. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that he or she is enrolled in the appropriate courses.





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Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration

Degree Program Information

The Business Administration major is designed to prepare students with a practical understanding of the fundamental knowledge and principles used in general business practices such as business management, finance, economics, and issues relevant to interpersonal communication. Business majors will learn the principles of contemporary business practices within the context of a Christian worldview. The program integrates a variety of learning experiences to ensure graduates are competent and confident to operate with integrity in today’s competitive global business environment.


Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration Program Learning Outcomes:

  1. Use critical thinking skills to identity and solve business problems

  2. Apply business knowledge from various business disciplines to plan, design, and implement business strategies.

  3. Apply biblical-based ethical principles and moral values to decision making.

  4. Exhibit competence in technological resources for business professionals.

  5. Exhibit professional communication using persuasive and effective techniques.


Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration Core Curriculum


General Education Core Requirements                                            30 Credits

  •   SPE106 Public Speaking (3)

  •   ENG126 Persuasive Writing (3)

  •   ENG220 Research Writing (3)

  •   HIS165 US History (3)

  •   HIS180 Latinos in US History (3)

  •   HIS204 World Civilization (3)

  •   PSY112 Marriage and Family (3)

  •   PSY101 Introduction to Psychology (3)

  •   SOC240 Introduction to Sociology (3)

  •   MAT163 Math and Personal & Financial Management (3)


Bible/Theology/Ministry Core Requirement*                                     30 Credits

  •   BIB110 Old Testament Literature (3)

  •   BIB120 New Testament Literature (3)

  •   THE103 Introduction to Systematic Theology (3)

  •   THE256 Theological Ethics (3)

  •   THE124 Pentecostal Theology (3)

  •   MIN155 Spiritual Disciples (3)

  •   MIN156 Effective Leadership (3)

  •   MIN199 Christian Worldview (3)

  •   Any other qualified BIB, THE, or MIN course

  •   Any other qualified BIB, THE, or MIN course


Major Core Requirements                                                                   48 Credits

  •   MNG 110 Principles of Management

  •   BUS 111 Introduction to Business

  •   BUS 122 Quantitative Business Methods

  •   ECO 210 Macroeconomics

  •   ECO 211 Microeconomics

  •   ACC 220 Principles of Accounting I

  •   ACC 221 Principles of Accounting II

  •   BUS 310 Introduction to Business Law

  •   BUS 320 Computer Application of Business

  •   MRK 330 Introduction to Marketing

  •   BUS 333 Introduction to Statistics

  •   MNG 410 Organizational Behavior & Management

  •   BUS 412 International Business

  •   MNG 415 Introduction to Human Resources

  •   BUS 417 Business and Faith

  •   MNG 424 Finance Management of Organizations

  •   MNG 423 Business Policy & Strategy Management

  •   BUS 430 Legal and Ethical Environment of Business


Electives                                                                                                12 Credits


                                                                                                            120 Total Credits

* Other Bible, Ministry, Theology, and General Education courses not listed above may satisfy requirements for the core bible/theology/ministry group. Please contact the Academic Advising office for guidance on what courses meet program and division requirements.



Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration Degree Suggested Paradigm

Below is a suggested paradigm that will enable students to successfully complete the program within four years. The paradigms below are meant to serve the student as a guide. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that he or she is enrolled in the appropriate courses.

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