Bachelor of Arts in Theology
The Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology will provide students with the essential biblical, theological, and ministerial skills necessary for various types of service in the multicultural context. Additionally, the coursework will provide students with the skills for higher education. There are five core learning outcomes for graduates of our program.
1. Applied Ministerial Practice
The graduate from our program will be able to demonstrate and analyze a wide range of knowledge and experiences related to applied ministerial practice. This includes skills such as identifying and assessing the contemporary problems and realities that impact the contextual settings of ministry in the Church, and offer recommendations that address these issues.
2. Christian and Pentecostal Theological Knowledge
The graduate from our program will be able to skillfully analyze and evaluate core theological views and concepts in Christianity and Pentecostalism.
3. Critical Analysis of the Bible
The graduate from our program will be able to assess and evaluate biblical texts; assess and evaluate the historical and literary composition of the text. They will also be able to communicate, discuss, and present contextual interpretations of the biblical text.
4. Information and Writing Literacy
The graduate from our program will be able to demonstrate information and writing literacy skills, write effectively and within a research writing format, formulate theories and effectively articulate their reasoning.
5. Communication Effectiveness
The graduate from our program will be able to integrate awareness and knowledge of various biblical concepts, theological perspectives, and contextual issues through an effective verbal communication approach. Appropriate communication will include but is not limited to, course presentations, paper presentations, teaching, video development, preaching, and success through the communication components of the capstone project.

Bachelor of Arts in Theology Core Curriculum
120 Units Total
Division of General Education (Required: 30 Units)
● SPE106 Public Speaking (3)
● ENG126 Persuasive Writing (3)
● ENG220 Research Writing (3)
● PSY112 Marriage and Family (3)
● PSY101 Introduction to Psychology (3)
● MAT163 Math and Personal & Financial Management (3)
● HIS165 US History (3) or HIS180 Latinos in US History (3)
● HIS202 Church History (3)
● HIS204 World Civilization (3)
● SOC240 Introduction to Sociology (3)
Division of Ministry (Required: 30 Units)
● MIN110 Practicum I (1)
● MIN120 Practicum II (1)
● MIN130 Practicum III (1)
● MIN155 Spiritual Disciplines (3)
● MIN156 Effective Leadership (3)
● MIN199 Christian Worldview (3)
● MIN270 A Spirit-Empowered Church: An Acts 2 Model (3)
● MIN330 Introduction to Urban Ministry (3)
● MIN350 Expository Preaching (3)
● MIN300 Mission and Culture (3) or MIN400 Cross-Cultural Ministry (3)
● MIN430 Race, Poverty, and the Environment (3)
● MIN450 Ministry and Social Justice (3)
Division of Theology (Required: 24 Units)
● THE103 Introduction to Systematic Theology (3)
● THE124 Pentecostal Theology (3)
● THE182 Comparative Religions (3)
● THE256 Theological Ethics (3)
● THE242 Eschatology (3)
● THE300 Introduction to Public Theology (3) or THE200 Pastoral Theology
● THE352 Pneumatology (3)
● THE400 Contextual Theology (3) or THE340 Introduction to Mission Theology
Division of Bible (Required: 24 Units)
● BIB110 Old Testament Literature (3)
● BIB120 New Testament Literature (3)
● BIB220 Biblical Exegesis (3)
● BIB213 General Epistles (3) or BIB235 Prison Epistles (3)
● BIB223 Jesus and The Gospels (3)
● BIB202 1 Corinthians (3) or BIB295 Romans (3) or BIB315 Job (3)
● BIB233 Acts (3) or BIB300 Gospel of John (3)
● BIB350 Kingdom of God in the Testaments (3)
Electives (Required: 12 Units)
* Other Bible, Ministry, Theology, and General Education courses not listed above may satisfy requirements for those respective divisions. Please contact the Academic Advising office for guidance on what courses meet program and division requirements.