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Writer's pictureLABI College


Mar 16, 2020

Graduation Ceremonies Canceled

Because of safety concerns and recommendations given by the CDC concerning the coronavirus (COVID-19), LABI College is canceling the graduation ceremonies scheduled for this May. The two ceremonies canceled are the Baccalaureate Ceremony on Friday, May 15th, and Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 16th. All graduates affected by this cancelation will be able to participate in next year's graduation ceremonies.

Mar 12, 2020

Spring Break & Studying from Home

In light of the recent communications from government offices/agencies, and out of the abundance of precaution, we are postponing in-classroom meetings for the week after spring break, March 23rd-27th. There will be no classroom meetings, and you will complete course assignments remotely or online from home. Student life and spiritual life activities are also postponed, including chapel. We have no known cases of people in our community that have contracted the coronavirus; this is just a precautionary measure. In-classroom meetings, and all campus activities, will resume on Monday, March 30th.

We recommend that you take the necessary personal and academic items (such as textbooks) home with you this spring break. The week of Mar 23-27 is not an "extension" of spring break, but a postponement of in-classroom meetings. You are still responsible for assignments given by professors, and you should expect instructions from them regarding assignments for that week (March 23-27).

If you have any questions about your classes or assignments for this week, or if you have trouble reaching your professors, please contact me by emailing at

Please be safe this spring break, and the week after spring break as you complete assignments from home. Take the right precautionary steps already recommended, such as washing hands, avoiding sick people, and avoiding crowded spaces.

Mar 9, 2020

Classroom Attendance & Sick Time Off


The faculty have been advised to modify their attendance policies for the next month. During this time, students will not be penalized for missing class due to a flu-related illness. Students will still be responsible for all course content and professors may move to more online delivery options.


LABI College has encouraged staff and faculty to stay home when sick and contagious. With the recent concerns about the Coronavirus, LABI advises you to stay home from work until at least 24 hours after a fever of 100° F (or above) is gone.  In addition, the CDC recommends you keep distance from your co-workers for at least 4 to 5 days after your symptoms begin. Please contact your supervisor to know if you need to stay home because of a fever or flu-like symptoms. Staff may use sick leave for this time. If you have any questions regarding your PTO, please contact Human Resources. Faculty, please communicate with the Dean of Academics if your class session is affected due to illness.

Mar 6, 2020

How to Prevent the Spread of the Virus

The Los Angeles Department of Public Health has given the following guidelines for everyday personal preventive actions:

- Stay home when you are sick. Stay home for at least 24 hours after you no longer have a fever or symptoms of a fever without the use of fever-reducing medicines.

- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

- Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue, and then dispose of the tissue and clean your hands immediately. If you do not have a tissue, use your sleeve (not your hands).

- Limit close contact with people who are sick.

- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipes.

If you would like to know more information, the following links provide updates on the coronavirus and public health information:

Please continue to practice the recommendations given at the local, state, and federal levels to mitigate the spread of this virus. For national updates concerning the coronavirus, please visit the CDC's website

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact LABI by calling 626-968-1328 or emailing at

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